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call or text:
Albie Selznick: 310-365-7666

Roy Johns: 323-314-5865

Nate Stein : 323-397-2882



The Mums are still in the room!


Imagine the electrifying thrills of Rock and Roll mixed with the skills of a traveling circus, sail it through the atmosphere of a 30's European cabaret, mix it with high fashion and concept, what you get is beyond  magic, beyond juggling, beyond cirque, theatre and art. What you get is a mind-blowing dreamscape of imagination that grabs you and won't let go.  


As the LA Times wrote,  "The Mums do for the arts of Juggling and Magic what  Elvis did for Rock and Roll!"


Th Mums opened for Duran Duran with their Swahili "Mumf Afrik", Devo with their Bauhaus "Wundermum", and Berlin with their  ubiquitous "Ball Heads". They received theatre awards for their full-length plays, such as "The Nannies", "Mumbo Jumble", and "A Mum and his Symbols". And they wowed audiences world-wide with their kinetic high-powered concert act.


They worked with such visionaries as Tim Burton, Francis Ford Coppola, Julian Temple and Eugene Ionesco, and counted among their fans, David Bowie, Sting, Robert Wilson and Andy Warhol, who said of them, "MUMS MEANS FUN!"

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