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“One of the most amazing shows to touch the earth. The Mums do for juggling and Magic with Elvis to Rock n’ roll."
- Herald Examiner
" The most appealing show I've seen in a long time- except possibly Prince. The kind that draws you in, transports you and sends you home exhilarated.”
- LA Weekly (Pick of the Week)
“Dark and intense, The Mums put on a séance. Opening night went brilliantly, Mephistopheles was with them.”
- LA Times (Critics Choice)
“Lovers of Merlin, the magical and mysterious, meet the mystic nights of the night club circuit, The Mums!”
- The Globe and The Mail
“Mum Means Fun!”
- Andy Warhol
I am intrigued...
Nay excited!"
- David Bowie
"I’d like to have you open for us, but frankly you're too good."
- Sting
The Best Performance troupe in LA!
- LA Weekly (Pick of the Week)
“Rapturous theatre, probably the best juggling act in the country.”
- LA Times
“Juggling and magic with a touch of Monty Python.”
- Toronto Sunday Sun
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